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Say hi to Nassim!

Virgin Mobile UAE
13th Oct 2022
2 mins 15 secs
We’re getting to know our friendly Lebanese expat who just can’t get enough of talking to his buddies on the phone

This week, we’re introducing Nassim. He is a big sports fan, and he is from Lebanon. Nassim is an extrovert, who loves travelling and has friends all over the world. And guess what? He can’t stop talking to them.

That’s why Nassim loves using Virgin Mobile’s plans – because he can flex his plan to live his life, the way he likes it!

Let’s get to know him!

So Nassim, tell us about yourself

Hi! I’m Nassim. I’m 29, and I’m from Achrafieh, Lebanon. I’m a creative director, a huge sports fan and I love travelling. I’ve visited London, New York, Zurich, Venice, and Madrid. I’ve also been to Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, and Thailand. Next month, I’m travelling to Qatar for the World Cup – I can’t miss that! I have lots of friends all over the world and more than anything, I love keeping in touch with them all.

That’s awesome! Can you tell us what a typical day for you is like?

I work as a creative director for a digital agency. I’m inspired by my travels, the world around me and the creative conversations I have with friends and family. When I’m talking to my buddies, I usually come up with cool new ideas. Some of the ideas I have chatted about on the phone have ended up as client projects – proof that talking things through is always a good idea.

Just like most people, the fun begins once I finish work. I love going out. Most days after work you might find me at an arts event at Al Serkal, hanging out at a coffee shop or a new restaurant, or at a car meet with my friends.

We hear that you like adventure?

Ooh! I love hiking and diving. I have climbed to the top of Kilimanjaro, which is my biggest hiking achievement so far. I’m always looking for the next mountain to hike. I love nature and the outdoors. My travel plans usually include both! I also love football, stand-up paddling, basketball, F1 racing, sky diving, and scuba diving.

Why do you love using Virgin Mobile?

I love the fact that Virgin Mobile has plans that give me flexibility. I’m a very social person and I’m always in contact with my friends from all over the world. I really like that with Virgin Mobile I can use the annual plan they offer with a 50% discount and use boosters and a roaming pass as well – so I can keep in touch with my friends with no hassle at all. The plan also allows me to customise how many minutes I can have for the price I’m willing to pay, it’s really useful for my lifestyle.

I’m also a huge fan of Richard Branson – I love his adventurous approach to life. I like how he cares about the planet. In terms of business, what he has achieved is just phenomenal.

But all in all, I love Virgin Mobile, because it allows me to live my life, the way I like it!

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