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How does Pay as you go work?
Download our app to get started. After the signup process, we'll deliver a SIM to your door for free within 60 minutes. Deliveries are available from 7 AM to 11 PM in Dubai, Sharjah Abu Dhabi and Ajman.
How does Pay as you go work?
Download our app to get started. After the signup process, we'll deliver a SIM to your door for free within 60 minutes. Deliveries are available from 7 AM to 11 PM in Dubai, Sharjah Abu Dhabi and Ajman.
How does Pay as you go work?
Download our app to get started. After the signup process, we'll deliver a SIM to your door for free within 60 minutes. Deliveries are available from 7 AM to 11 PM in Dubai, Sharjah Abu Dhabi and Ajman.
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How does Pay as work yo go
Download our app to get started. After the signup process, we'll deliver a SIM to your door for free within 60 minutes. Deliveries are available from 7 AM to 11 PM in Dubai, Sharjah Abu Dhabi and Ajman.
How does Pay as work yo go
Download our app to get started. After the signup process, we'll deliver a SIM to your door for free within 60 minutes. Deliveries are available from 7 AM to 11 PM in Dubai, Sharjah Abu Dhabi and Ajman.
How does Pay as work yo go
Download our app to get started. After the signup process, we'll deliver a SIM to your door for free within 60 minutes. Deliveries are available from 7 AM to 11 PM in Dubai, Sharjah Abu Dhabi and Ajman.
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What are yearly plans? (6 and 12 Month plans)

With our 6-month and 12-month plans, you pay for the total amount in advance and save money! Save 30% with a 6-month plan and 50% with a 12-month plan.
  • If you’re signing up to Virgin Mobile, choose a 6 or 12-month plan on the plan selection screen.
  • If you’re an existing customer, you can upgrade to a 6 or 12-month plan.
  • You can boost your minutes or data when needed on both 6 and 12-month plans.
Important Note:
  • You can only pause or terminate your plan during your last plan month (month 6 for 6-month plans and month 12 for 12-month plans). If you wish to close your account earlier than the commitment period, we recommend contacting our customer care team. Please be aware that in case of early termination, you won't receive a refund during that period.
  • While you can always upgrade your current plan during your commitment period, downgrading or changing your plan type is only possible during your last plan month.
  • If you choose not to make any changes to your current plan in your last plan month, it will automatically renew for another 6 or 12 months, and you'll also be charged upfront.
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