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Roam like home in 140+ countries 365 days

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Stay connected with our awesome roaming offers

Roam with ease

Travel to over 120+ countries & stay connected

The choice is yours

Weekly or daily, we've got roaming packs for you

Do it all from the app

Manage your experience right from your phone

In-flight roaming

Use your plan data in-flight with our preferred partners

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and Roaming Packs are available to you

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Roam Like Home
Roaming Packs

Get better value with our roaming calls or data bundles?

If you are travelling for the weekend, go for one of our daily roaming bundles. Daily roaming is valid for 24 hours once you start using it. 

If you are travelling for longer, choose from one of our weekly or monthly offers. Our weekly offer is valid for 7 days once you start using it, and the monthly offer is valid for 30 days. 

Minutes can be used for both incoming and outgoing calls.

How to get Roaming offers?

Follow these steps:

  • On your Virgin Mobile app, look for the roaming section on the home screen
  • Choose if you want calls or data first and tap ‘GET’
  • Select the destination you are travelling to
  • Choose the bundle of minutes or data that works best for you


Weekly roaming is valid for 24 hours or 7 days once you start using it. Special offers available. incoming and outgoing calls.


Daily roaming is valid for 1 day once you start using it.

Roam Like Home

Get a Roaming Pass to use your plan in 140+ countries

With Virgin Mobile, there's no more hassle of finding a SIM in your destination country and having a different phone number during your trip. We keep it SIMple.

Unlock Roam Like Home

Choose a Roaming Pass and get access to your data and international minutes abroad for 7, 30 or 365 days, in 140+ countries. Choose what you want; data or minutes.

View prices with 5% VAT

Things you should know

  • The bundles will be offered on a permanent basis.
  • Customers may buy any of the bundles whilst in the UAE (in advance of travel) or whilst in the roaming destination. The validity will begin once the first call is received or made.
  • Consumption of the bundle will begin once the first call is received or made by the customer whilst within an eligible roaming destination.
  • The bundle will need to be activated by the customer within one year from purchase.
  • Customers will have to buy the relevant pack based on the country that he or she is travelling to. 
  • Once the validity of the bundle expires (after 24 hours, 7 days or 30 days), the benefit will lapse, and customers will be charged at standard rates.
  • Customers will be charged at standard roaming rates after they consume their benefits. 
  • Customers have the option to make the daily bundles as recurring and the feature will be available with the customer to select from.
  • VAT is not applicable to the roaming packs.

Got questions?

Can I use my local minutes abroad with the Roaming Pass?

The Roaming Pass allows you to use your international minutes and data when abroad, while your local minutes can only be used within the UAE.

If you have international minutes in your plan, you can make and receive calls while roaming. If you don't have international minutes, you can purchase an international minutes booster after activating the Roaming Pass.
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Are there restrictions for when I can buy or use Roam Like Home?

Pay As You Go customers cannot purchase Roaming Passes.

If you’re not a Pay As You Go customer, you need to be on a plan worth AED 79+ to buy a Roaming Pass.

Promotional and shared data or minutes aren't included in the Roaming Pass.

E.g. If someone shares data with you, you can't use it abroad. If you get free data added to your plan as part of a promotion, you can't use it abroad either.  
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What should I do if my plan runs out whilst abroad?

Same as at home! Just purchase a Booster for data/minutes and you're good to go!

Or, you could purchase a Roaming Pack instead as well.
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Have more questions?

Visit our FAQs page and message us

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Got questions?

I’ve used up all my roaming calls/data. Can I get more?​

If you run out of roaming calls or data, you can purchase a new plan at any time for the same or different region. Your new roaming plan will automatically start once your current plan expires or once you use up your minutes/data, whichever comes first.​
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Visit our FAQs page and message us

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Countries included in our roaming

Most called countries


United Kingdom

Saudi Arabia

United States





United Kingdom

Saudi Arabia

United States





United Kingdom

Saudi Arabia

United States





United Kingdom

Saudi Arabia

United States





United Kingdom

Saudi Arabia

United States

